We've got a lot of things brewing here at Keystone Fly Fishing. Let's face it, we've been dragging ass all summer long with getting shirts made. We're getting our ducks in a line and getting a whole bunch of apparel to buy. I'm talking, shirts, hats, hoodies, stickers, you name it. We're teaming up with my buddy Bill, owner of Shtheadz, and getting some killer Keystone beanies made just in time for winter. Along with that, we've got some new logos in the works to put on anything we can. Don't forget to vote on your favorite colors for shirts and hoodies too.
Shirts aren't the only thing to come...we're about to blow this site up with fly fishing goodness. The whole site is getting revamped this winter to a simpler, easier to use platform. We're also going to be posting weekly fly tying videos, tips, tricks, reviews, pictures, giveaways, everything. This is the real deal...no bullshit. Get ready folks, it's about to get spicy.