Thursday, February 5, 2015

Chucking Meat: The Series

The Streamer Game

The best way to learn about different points of streamer fishing is to get out and do it. Everytime you fish you should be learning something new. To make life a little simpler for those of you getting started however, here's a few tidbits of meaty information.

1) First of all fish upstream for craps sake. I can't tell you how many guys I see walking right towards the direction the fish are facing throwing meat (i.e. downstream fishing). Yes, sometimes it works, but 99% of the time your going to want to be fishing upstream. 

2) Be as covert as you can. If you can cast from 20 ft instead of 10 it. No sense of spooking fish if you don't have to. 

3) Throw streamers in places where you think predatory fish will be lurking...log jams, deep pools, big rocks etc. Also stop walking past skinny water and try fishing it for once; you might be pleasantly surprised. 

4) Try different retrieval methods: try dead drifting, try fast stripping, try long pauses, jerk it, whatever you think might work is worth trying. (If your feeling confident, try this maneuver with the ladies). 

5) The last thing I want you to try as crazy as it sounds, is to think like a big fish. It may sound insane but every time I fish, I think to myself, if I was a lunker, where would I be? Finding out the answers is part of whats streamer fishing is all about.

If you've got the streamer bug, give this sculpin pattern a try. I call it The "Sorority Sister".