Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Beer Tie

This past Thursday we (Clark and Ty) headed West with our buddy Jon to the Instagram Beer Tie. Dennis, from OMF Fly Co, set the whole thing up. Pizza, Beers, Fly Tying, and The "Hot Stuff" Claw machine...which I will explain here shortly. We arrived at this huge pizza joint, vises and materials in hand, then weaved our way through a bunch of 30 something drunk milfs. Tucked in the back was a long wooden table with awesome lighting. Everyone set up shop around the table and we tied, drank and BS'ed for a good part of the night. We met a ton of great fly tiers and finally put some names to faces which was cool. Joel, from Vedavoo, was taking some awesome shots with his camera, which you can see below. 

One of the highlights of the night was when Clark, fueled up on PBR, took a shot in the "Hot Stuff" Claw machine. First 50 cents he hooks into a Red Stuffed Pepper and loses it right at his feet. Then, round two, he hooks the Pepper again and a Stuffed Dora the Explorer. Doubled up at the beer tie...nice. Little did Dora know what was about to happen next. Clark went Iron Fly on the Stuffed Animals and came up with a Musky Fly that is sure to please. Dora, bound up and gagged on a 6/0. I'll let the pictures speak for themselves.

Overall, it was an awesome night! We want to thank Dennis for setting everything up, and we hope to have another in the near future. 

Copyrights reserved to Joel LaMarco c. 2015
Copyrights reserved to Joel LaMarco c. 2015
Copyrights reserved to Joel LaMarco c. 2015
Copyrights reserved to Joel LaMarco c. 2015